There are few things more powerful than High School peer pressure. Often just the mention of an activity to demonstrate your manhood results in you doing the dumbest of things you'll quickly regret.
I recall a time when talking to a kid in High School, he mentioned that he was going to do the Blazing Wing Challenge at Buffalo Wild Wings. This challenge consists of eating 12 chicken wings coated in a sauce hotter than the spoils of Lindsay Lohan's latest shopping spree, in just a few minutes. Without even waiting for an invitation I excitedly volunteered to join.
This of course was last week.
Being the good role model that I am, I would never allow a minor to attempt something this foolish (without me)… So now myself and my little High School buddy are planning a time to take on this challenge in the near future. I have never attempted a food challenge before but I have always wanted to. I have never shied away from hot food. I once planted a ghost pepper plant just so I could eat a whole one raw (In case you were wondering, it has a flavor reminiscent of what I'd expect from a branding iron). I also made the mistake of replacing a fallen contact right after dicing a habanero pepper (though that was certainly not a planned experience).
I am not going to try to convince you that I have the world's most flame resistant tongue, because I am sure I don't. However I do not believe I have yet to meet anyone who enjoys spicy food as much as I do. Therefore knowing that many other people have successfully completed this challenge I am putting a lot of pressure on myself to conquer it as well. I will either confirm my status as a legend in my own mind or come to the painful realization that I have been living a lie.
Win, lose, or draw I will update you on the results. Perhaps I'll even post a picture or two of the aftermath.
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