This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Folgers for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
Some people collect coins, some people collect stamps, my wife collects coffee mugs. She just won’t admit it. We were amassing such a collection her mugs would no longer be contained by the physical limitations of a cupboard, so we compromised. I threw a couple of mine out.
That, my friends, is marriage.
As I write this, sipping on increasingly colder coffee, my one year old daughter is attempting to turn our house into her own personal jungle gym, while at the same time endeavoring to determine exactly how much of my iPhone will fit into her little mouth at once.
I patiently head her away from anything that will get her hurt, such as summiting the dining room table or cliff diving off the arm of the couch, but since groggy mornings and I have a tenuous relationship at best, I find my iPhone to be a small price to pay for a peaceful sip of coffee during my chaotic morning routine.
That, my friends, is parenthood.
Oh, and did I mention the puppy is attempting to steal all of Lillian’s toys? I have upwards of $100 worth of dog toys lying in waste, scattered across the living room floor like motionless tumbleweeds that Hydra treats with a regard most often reserved for lepers, but if it is pink, plastic, and designed for my daughter, Hydra will incessantly gnaw on it like a Christmas ham bone.
I need more coffee.
I suspect many parents can relate to my plight. I also suspect many grandparents are smiling slyly as they revive memories of their bygone battles, equally relieved those days are behind them yet wishing to be able to suit up one last time.
I’ve been told more than once not to take these days for granted, kids grow up too fast. I only have to look back to the all too recent memories of my own childhood to know how true that is. I do strive to savor every fleeting moment as it turns into yet one more memory, but I need my coffee to make that possible!
For years I have been roasting my own coffee. Yes, I buy green coffee beans and roast them to perfection in my own kitchen multiple times a week because I am hardcore like that. However, between baby wrangling and blogging, ensuring I have a ready supply of black fuel can occasionally be lost amongst the more pressing issues in life. Like, “Where did I hide the last clean bottle?” This is why I keep a stash of Folgers instant coffee at the rescue.
Let’s be honest. If I wake up and realize I don’t have any coffee waiting for me downstairs, having a cup of Instant Coffee to hold me over feels like manna from heaven!
Recently I have been fortunate enough to quit my full time job and dedicate more time to growing this website, which by the way I am incredibly thankful to my wonderful readers for making possible. The other major benefit to that blessing has been being able to take my daughter out of daycare. I am now home with her all day, and though I hope to get a part time job, my wife will be home with her when I can’t be! That’s my American dream, spending time with loved ones and making memories.
I couldn’t be more excited about the prospect of watching my daughter grow older and being there for each new challenge. However, I better stock up on Folgers instant coffee!
Want more coffee in your life? Check out these great Folgers Recipes as well!
If you enjoyed reading my Coffee is the Fuel of Life post then you should probably like me on Facebook and follow me on Pinterest too. That’s what I would do at least, because if you don’t get to know me but you still use my recipe it is kind of like taking candy from a stranger, and your mom taught you not to do that. Don’t disobey your mom, subscribe to Fox Valley Foodie today.
Hey Foxie. Just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading about you and your family and looking forward to more of your recipes. Wishing you all well and happiness. Sheila.
Fox Valley Foodie
Thanks for the comment Sheila, I love when readers take time to say hi!